Comparing #227 (version 1) and #228 (version 2)

Separate ideas
> % source: Ante Skugor
> % link:
> depends whether the mother took measures to not get pregnant, if she did and still got pregnant - less responsibility↵
She was neither forced nor tricked. She took an action which she knew (or should have known) comes with certain risks. The risks materialized. That doesn’t make her any less responsible.↵
On the contrary, per my suggestion, she had *six weeks* to monitor whether she was pregnant. That’s long enough to miss her period, which is a huge warning sign she’d have to be extremely dishonest about with herself to just ignore. During those six weeks, she could have unilaterally decided to get an abortion safely and with impunity. She instead chose to ignore her pregnancy, evade it, not do anything about it, whatever.↵
Her body, her choice, *her responsibility*. #171, #172responsibility
Ante Skugor> % link:> depends whether the mother took measures to not get pregnant, if she did and still got pregnant - less responsibility
#228 · Dennis Hackethal · 3 months ago · Criticism
1 comment: #230