Comparing #307 (version 1) and #308 (version 2)

If so, there might be a way to bind them to the `view_context`. Or I could definitely pass the `view_context` explicitly as the first parameter.parameter:↵
So instead of↵
I would do↵
@helper_module.send(@action_name, view_context)↵
And the parameter list of each Hiccdown method would start accordingly:↵
module ProductsHelper↵
  def self.index vc #, …↵
    # …↵

If so, there might be a way to bind them to the view_context. Or I could definitely pass the view_context explicitly as the first parameter:

So instead of


I would do

@helper_module.send(@action_name, view_context)

And the parameter list of each Hiccdown method would start accordingly:

module ProductsHelper
  def self.index vc #, …
    # …
#308 · Dennis Hackethal · 3 months ago · Criticism
1 comment: #311