Revisions of #358

Contributors: Dennis Hackethal
*Veritula* (Latin for ‘a bit of truth’) provides an objective, partly automated way to tentatively determine whether a given idea is true or false.↵
It follows Karl Popper’s epistemology, which says that ideas are assumed true until refuted. This approach leaves us free to make *bold conjectures* and use the full arsenal at our disposal to *criticize* these conjectures to *correct errors* and *seek truth*. It’s a creative and critical approach.↵
**Veritula is a programmatic implementation of Popper’s epistemology.**↵
If a criticism of an idea is criticized in turn, the criticism is neutralized and the original idea considered true again. Veritula marks ideas accordingly, automatically. Since there are many ideas, many potential criticisms (which are also just ideas), and deeply nested counter-criticisms, the result is a tree structure. Because decision-making is a special case of, or follows the same logic as, truth-seeking, this tree can also be used as a decision tree.↵
All ideas, including criticisms, should be formulated as concisely as possible.↵
Separate ideas should be submitted separately, even if they’re related. Otherwise, you run the risk of receiving ‘bulk’ criticisms, where a single criticism seems to apply to more content than it actually does.↵
Again, criticisms are also just ideas, so the same is true for criticisms. Submitting each criticism separately has the benefit of causing the proponent of an idea to address each criticism individually, not in bulk. If he fails to address even a single criticism, the idea remains problematic and should be considered false.↵
The more you discuss a given topic, the deeper and wider the tree grows. Some criticisms do apply to multiple ideas in the tree, but that needs to be made explicit.↵
Ideas that are neither criticisms nor top-level conjectures – eg follow-up questions or neutral comments – are considered *ancillary ideas*.↵
One of the main benefits of Veritula is that the state of a discussion can be seen at a glance. If you are new to a much-discussed topic, the rational course of action is to adopt the displayed truth status of the ideas involved.↵
**Veritula acts as a *dictionary for ideas*.**↵
One of the problems of our age is that the same discussions are had over and over again, sometimes by the same people. Part of the reason is widespread irrationality, expressed in the unwillingness to change one’s mind; another is that it’s simply difficult to remember or know what’s true and what isn’t. Discussion trees can get complex, so people shouldn’t blindly trust their judgment of whether some idea is true or problematic, whether nested criticisms have been neutralized or not. Going off of memory is too error prone.↵
Veritula solves this problem: it makes discussion trees explicit so you don’t have to remember each idea and its relation to other ideas. Veritula therefore also enables you to hold irrational people accountable: if an idea has outstanding criticisms, the rational approach is to either abandon it or to save it by addressing them. To address a criticism, you either criticize *it* or revise the criticized idea so that the criticism doesn’t apply anymore.↵
Many people don’t like to concede an argument. But with Veritula, no concessions are necessary. The site just shows you who’s right.↵
**Using Veritula, we may discover a bit of truth.**

Veritula (Latin for ‘a bit of truth’) provides an objective, partly automated way to tentatively determine whether a given idea is true or false.

It follows Karl Popper’s epistemology, which says that ideas are assumed true until refuted. This approach leaves us free to make bold conjectures and use the full arsenal at our disposal to criticize these conjectures to correct errors and seek truth. It’s a creative and critical approach.

Veritula is a programmatic implementation of Popper’s epistemology.

If a criticism of an idea is criticized in turn, the criticism is neutralized and the original idea considered true again. Veritula marks ideas accordingly, automatically. Since there are many ideas, many potential criticisms (which are also just ideas), and deeply nested counter-criticisms, the result is a tree structure. Because decision-making is a special case of, or follows the same logic as, truth-seeking, this tree can also be used as a decision tree.

All ideas, including criticisms, should be formulated as concisely as possible.

Separate ideas should be submitted separately, even if they’re related. Otherwise, you run the risk of receiving ‘bulk’ criticisms, where a single criticism seems to apply to more content than it actually does.

Again, criticisms are also just ideas, so the same is true for criticisms. Submitting each criticism separately has the benefit of causing the proponent of an idea to address each criticism individually, not in bulk. If he fails to address even a single criticism, the idea remains problematic and should be considered false.

The more you discuss a given topic, the deeper and wider the tree grows. Some criticisms do apply to multiple ideas in the tree, but that needs to be made explicit.

Ideas that are neither criticisms nor top-level conjectures – eg follow-up questions or neutral comments – are considered ancillary ideas.

One of the main benefits of Veritula is that the state of a discussion can be seen at a glance. If you are new to a much-discussed topic, the rational course of action is to adopt the displayed truth status of the ideas involved.

Veritula acts as a dictionary for ideas.

One of the problems of our age is that the same discussions are had over and over again, sometimes by the same people. Part of the reason is widespread irrationality, expressed in the unwillingness to change one’s mind; another is that it’s simply difficult to remember or know what’s true and what isn’t. Discussion trees can get complex, so people shouldn’t blindly trust their judgment of whether some idea is true or problematic, whether nested criticisms have been neutralized or not. Going off of memory is too error prone.

Veritula solves this problem: it makes discussion trees explicit so you don’t have to remember each idea and its relation to other ideas. Veritula therefore also enables you to hold irrational people accountable: if an idea has outstanding criticisms, the rational approach is to either abandon it or to save it by addressing them. To address a criticism, you either criticize it or revise the criticized idea so that the criticism doesn’t apply anymore.

Many people don’t like to concede an argument. But with Veritula, no concessions are necessary. The site just shows you who’s right.

Using Veritula, we may discover a bit of truth.

Version 1 · #358 · Dennis Hackethal · 3 months ago

Replace non-breaking spaces with regular ones
*Veritula* (Latin*Veritula* (Latin for ‘a bit of truth’) provides an objective, partly automated way to tentatively determine whether a given idea is true or false.

It follows Karl Popper’s epistemology, which says that ideas are assumed true until refuted. This approach leaves us free to make *bold conjectures* and use the full arsenal at our disposal to *criticize* these conjectures to *correct errors* and *seek truth*. It’s a creative and critical approach.↵
**Veritulaand critical approach.↵
**Veritula is a programmatic implementation of Popper’s epistemology.**
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Veritula (Latin for ‘a bit of truth’) provides an objective, partly automated way to tentatively determine whether a given idea is true or false.It follows Karl Popper’s epistemology, which says that ideas are assumed true until refuted. This approach leaves us free to make bold conjectures and use the full arsenal at our disposal to criticize these conjectures to correct errors and seek truth. It’s a creative and critical approach.

Veritula is a programmatic implementation of Popper’s epistemology.

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Version 2 · #359 · Dennis Hackethal · 3 months ago

Add tree diagrams and improve wording throughout
*Veritula* (Latin for ‘a bit of truth’) provides an objective, partly automated way to tentatively determine whether a given idea is true or false.

It follows Karl Popper’s epistemology, which says that ideas are assumed true until refuted. This approach leaves us free to make *bold conjectures* and use the full arsenal at our disposal to *criticize* these conjectures in order to *correct errors* and *seek truth*. It’s a creative and critical approach.

**Veritula is a programmatic implementation of Popper’s epistemology.**↵
If a criticism ofepistemology.**↵
Consider an idea `I`:↵
Since it has no criticisms, it is criticized in turn, the criticismconsidered *unproblematic*. It is neutralizedrational to adopt it, tentatively consider it true, and the originalact in accordance with it. Conversely, it would be *irrational* to reject it. Next, someone submits a criticism `C1`:↵
The idea is now considered true again.*problematic* for as long as `C1` is not addressed. How do you address it? You can *revise* `I` so that `C1` doesn’t apply anymore, which restores the previous state with just the standalone `I`. Veritula marks ideas accordingly, automatically. Sinceoffers beautiful diffing and *version control for ideas*. Alternatively, you can *counter-criticize* `C1`, thereby neutralizing it:↵
Now, `I` is considered unproblematic again, since `C1` is problematic and thus can’t be a decisive criticism anymore.↵
Since there are many ideas,can be manypotential criticisms (which are also just ideas),ideas) and deeply nested counter-criticisms, the result is a tree structure. BecauseFor example, it might look like this:↵
           /  |  \↵
         C11 C12 C13↵
         / \       \↵
       C21 C22     C23↵
                  /   \↵
                C31  C32↵
In this tree, `I` is considered problematic. Although `C11` has been neutralized by `C21` and `C22`, `C12` still needs to be addressed. In addition, `C23` *would* have neutralized `C13`, but `C31` and `C32` make `C23` problematic again, so `C13` makes `I` problematic as well.↵
But you don’t need to keep track of these relationships manually. Veritula marks ideas accordingly, automatically.↵
Because decision-making is a special case of, or follows the same logic as, truth-seeking, this treesuch trees can also be used asa decision tree.↵
All ideas, including criticisms, should be formulated as concisely as possible.
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Again, criticisms are also just ideas, so the same is true for criticisms. Submitting each criticism separately has the benefit of causingrequiring the proponent of an idea to address each criticism individually, not in bulk. If he fails to address even a single criticism, the idea remains problematic and should be considered false.↵ ↵ Therejected.↵ ↵ The more you discuss a given topic, the deeper and wider the tree grows. Some criticisms do apply to multiple ideas in the tree, but that needs to be made explicit. Ideas that are neither criticisms nor top-level conjectures – eg follow-up questions or neutral comments – are considered *ancillary ideas*.↵ ↵ Oneideas*. Unlike criticisms, they do not invert their respective parent’s truth status. They are neutral.↵ ↵ One of the main benefits of Veritula is that the statetruth status of any idea in a discussion can be seen at a glance. If you are new to a much-discussed topic, the rational course of action is to adopt the displayed truth status of the ideas involved.↵ ↵ **Veritulainvolved: if they are marked problematic, reject them; if they are not, adopt them.↵ ↵ **Veritula acts as a *dictionary for ideas*.**
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Veritula solves this problem: it makes discussion trees explicit so you don’t have to remember each idea and its relation to other ideas. Veritula therefore also enables you to hold irrational people accountable: if an idea has outstanding criticisms, the rational approach is to either abandon it or to save it by addressing them. To address a criticism, you either criticize *it* or revise the criticized idea so that the criticism doesn’t apply anymore.↵ ↵ Manythem.↵ ↵ Many people don’t like to concede an argument. But with Veritula, no concessions are necessary. The site just shows you who’s right. **Using Veritula, we may discover a bit of truth.**

Veritula (Latin for ‘a bit of truth’) provides an objective, partly automated way to tentatively determine whether a given idea is true or false.It follows Karl Popper’s epistemology, which says that ideas are assumed true until refuted. This approach leaves us free to make bold conjectures and use the full arsenal at our disposal to criticize these conjectures in order to correct errors and seek truth. It’s a creative and critical approach.Veritula is a programmatic implementation of Popper’s epistemology.

Consider an idea I:


Since it has no criticisms, it is considered unproblematic. It is rational to adopt it, tentatively consider it true, and act in accordance with it. Conversely, it would be irrational to reject it. Next, someone submits a criticism C1:


The idea is now considered problematic for as long as C1 is not addressed. How do you address it? You can revise I so that C1 doesn’t apply anymore, which restores the previous state with just the standalone I. Veritula offers beautiful diffing and version control for ideas. Alternatively, you can counter-criticize C1, thereby neutralizing it:


Now, I is considered unproblematic again, since C1 is problematic and thus can’t be a decisive criticism anymore.

Since there can be many criticisms (which are also just ideas) and deeply nested counter-criticisms, the result is a tree structure. For example, it might look like this:

           /  |  \
         C11 C12 C13
         / \       \
       C21 C22     C23
                  /   \
                C31  C32

In this tree, I is considered problematic. Although C11 has been neutralized by C21 and C22, C12 still needs to be addressed. In addition, C23 would have neutralized C13, but C31 and C32 make C23 problematic again, so C13 makes I problematic as well.

But you don’t need to keep track of these relationships manually. Veritula marks ideas accordingly, automatically.

Because decision-making is a special case of, or follows the same logic as, truth-seeking, such trees can also be used as decision trees.

All ideas, including criticisms, should be formulated as concisely as possible.

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Again, criticisms are also just ideas, so the same is true for criticisms. Submitting each criticism separately has the benefit of requiring the proponent of an idea to address each criticism individually, not in bulk. If he fails to address even a single criticism, the idea remains problematic and should be rejected.

The more you discuss a given topic, the deeper and wider the tree grows. Some criticisms do apply to multiple ideas in the tree, but that needs to be made explicit.Ideas that are neither criticisms nor top-level conjectures – eg follow-up questions or neutral comments – are considered ancillary ideas. Unlike criticisms, they do not invert their respective parent’s truth status. They are neutral.

One of the main benefits of Veritula is that the truth status of any idea in a discussion can be seen at a glance. If you are new to a much-discussed topic, the rational course of action is to adopt the displayed truth status of the ideas involved: if they are marked problematic, reject them; if they are not, adopt them.

Veritula acts as a dictionary for ideas.

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Veritula solves this problem: it makes discussion trees explicit so you don’t have to remember each idea and its relation to other ideas. Veritula therefore also enables you to hold irrational people accountable: if an idea has outstanding criticisms, the rational approach is to either abandon it or to save it by addressing them.

Many people don’t like to concede an argument. But with Veritula, no concessions are necessary. The site just shows you who’s right.Using Veritula, we may discover a bit of truth.

Version 3 · #360 · Dennis Hackethal · 3 months ago

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In this tree, `I` is considered problematic. Although `C11` has been neutralized by `C21` and `C22`, `C12` still needs to be addressed. In addition, `C23` *would* have neutralized `C13`, but `C31` and `C32` make `C23` problematic again,problematic, so `C13` makes `I` problematic as well.
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In this tree, I is considered problematic. Although C11 has been neutralized by C21 and C22, C12 still needs to be addressed. In addition, C23 would have neutralized C13, but C31 and C32 make C23 problematic, so C13 makes I problematic as well.

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Version 4 · #361 · Dennis Hackethal · 3 months ago

Improve tree formatting
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Version 5 · #362 · Dennis Hackethal · 3 months ago

Clarify remark about decision-making – decision-trees are different
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Because decision-making is a special case of, or follows the same logic as, truth-seeking, such trees canalso be used as decision trees.↵ ↵ Allfor decision-making, too. When you’re planning your next move, Veritula helps you criticize your ideas and make a decision. Again, it’s rational to go with the idea that has no outstanding criticisms.↵ ↵ All ideas, including criticisms, should be formulated as concisely as possible.
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Because decision-making is a special case of, or follows the same logic as, truth-seeking, such trees can be used for decision-making, too. When you’re planning your next move, Veritula helps you criticize your ideas and make a decision. Again, it’s rational to go with the idea that has no outstanding criticisms.

All ideas, including criticisms, should be formulated as concisely as possible.

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Version 6 · #418 · Dennis Hackethal · 2 months ago

*Veritula*## How Does Veritula Work?↵
*Veritula* (Latin for ‘a bit of truth’) provides an objective, partly automated way to tentatively determine whether a given idea is true or false.
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How Does Veritula Work?

Veritula (Latin for ‘a bit of truth’) provides an objective, partly automated way to tentatively determine whether a given idea is true or false.

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Version 7 · #465 · Dennis Hackethal · about 2 months ago