Revisions of #896

Contributors: Dennis Hackethal
> The wielding of force is not a business function. In fact, force is *outside the realm of economics*. Economics concerns production and trade, not destruction and seizure.↵
It cannot be. This is an attempt to step outside of nature rather than obey it, even though objectivists normally advocate obeying it.↵
The police force, prosecutors, judges, etc need resources and payment. Those resources don’t grow in nature. Scarcity and the economic calculation problem apply.↵
Any attempt to ignore or evade this reality leads to police forces and justice systems that are, all else being equal, worse than they would be in a free market because they don’t correct errors as well as they otherwise would.

The wielding of force is not a business function. In fact, force is outside the realm of economics. Economics concerns production and trade, not destruction and seizure.

It cannot be. This is an attempt to step outside of nature rather than obey it, even though objectivists normally advocate obeying it.

The police force, prosecutors, judges, etc need resources and payment. Those resources don’t grow in nature. Scarcity and the economic calculation problem apply.

Any attempt to ignore or evade this reality leads to police forces and justice systems that are, all else being equal, worse than they would be in a free market because they don’t correct errors as well as they otherwise would.

Version 1 · #896 · Dennis Hackethal · 3 months ago · Criticism
1 comment: #898

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Any attempt to ignore or evade this reality leads to police forces and justice systems that are, all else being equal, worse than they would be in a free market because they don’t correct errors as well as they otherwise would.would.↵ ↵ See #267.
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Any attempt to ignore or evade this reality leads to police forces and justice systems that are, all else being equal, worse than they would be in a free market because they don’t correct errors as well as they otherwise would.

See #267.

Version 2 · #897 · Dennis Hackethal · 3 months ago · Criticism
1 comment: #919

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The police force, prosecutors, judges, etc need resources and payment. Those resources don’t grow in nature. Scarcity and the economic calculationeconomic-calculation problem apply.
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The police force, prosecutors, judges, etc need resources and payment. Those resources don’t grow in nature. Scarcity and the economic-calculation problem apply.

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Version 3 · #918 · Dennis Hackethal · 3 months ago · Criticism