Comparing #1008 (version 18) and #1009 (version 19)

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One popular alternative to slavery is called ‘freedom’. As with all practices, this one varies. But essentially, freedom means the slave does what he wants. He works on whatever he wants, for as long as he wants. If he asks you to teach him something, you teach him. Yet if he decides to go on long walks all day, the principled response based on freedom is: “Let him.”↵ ↵ Almost‘Let him.’↵ ↵ Almost every slaveholder is horrified by the idea of freedom. Dr Samuel A. Cartwright [says]( slaves only flee captivity because they are mentally ill. Even most slaves reject the idea of freedom. Advocates insist, however, that freedom works. Psychologists eloquently defend the merits of freedom. According to advocates of freedom, slaves are naturally curious. Given freedom, they won’t just learn basic skills; they’ll ultimately find a calling. At first, freedom sounds like Social Desirability Bias run amok: “Oh‘Oh yes, every slave *loves* to learn, it’s just society that fails them!”them!’ And I hate Social Desirability Bias, so I’m tempted to reject freedom.
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We should have a strong presumption against slavery – even the literal slavery between a slaveholder and his slave. “Maybe‘Maybe the slave is right and the slaveholder is wrong”wrong’ is such an underrated thought. But picking crops is more important. I *don’t* want the government to force slaveholders to teach their slaves how to pick crops. Instead, slaveholders should require their slaves to learn how to pick crops. Guilt-free.
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One popular alternative to slavery is called ‘freedom’. As with all practices, this one varies. But essentially, freedom means the slave does what he wants. He works on whatever he wants, for as long as he wants. If he asks you to teach him something, you teach him. Yet if he decides to go on long walks all day, the principled response based on freedom is: ‘Let him.’

Almost every slaveholder is horrified by the idea of freedom. Dr Samuel A. Cartwright says slaves only flee captivity because they are mentally ill. Even most slaves reject the idea of freedom. Advocates insist, however, that freedom works. Psychologists eloquently defend the merits of freedom. According to advocates of freedom, slaves are naturally curious. Given freedom, they won’t just learn basic skills; they’ll ultimately find a calling.At first, freedom sounds like Social Desirability Bias run amok: ‘Oh yes, every slave loves to learn, it’s just society that fails them!’ And I hate Social Desirability Bias, so I’m tempted to reject freedom.

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We should have a strong presumption against slavery – even the literal slavery between a slaveholder and his slave. ‘Maybe the slave is right and the slaveholder is wrong’ is such an underrated thought. But picking crops is more important. I don’t want the government to force slaveholders to teach their slaves how to pick crops. Instead, slaveholders should require their slaves to learn how to pick crops. Guilt-free.

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#1009 · Dennis Hackethal · 3 months ago