16 unchanged lines collapsedWhat I hate even more, though, is refusing to calm down and look at the facts. Fact: I’ve met and talked to dozens of adults who were born not as slaves but as free men. Overall, they appear at least as productive as typical slaves. Indeed, as psychologists predict, free men are especially likely to turn their passions into useful work. Admittedly, some of them areflaky, butflaky – thenagainagain, so are a lot of free people. Upon closer inspection, there’s only one glaring issue withfree people.↵ ↵ *Theythem.↵ ↵ *They suck at picking crops!* In my experience, even free men with strong bodies tend to be weak on the field. On the field, I say! Work anyone should be able to do. And most of them have no knowledge of more advanced crop-picking techniques.45 unchanged lines collapsed
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What I hate even more, though, is refusing to calm down and look at the facts. Fact: I’ve met and talked to dozens of adults who were born not as slaves but as free men. Overall, they appear at least as productive as typical slaves. Indeed, as psychologists predict, free men are especially likely to turn their passions into useful work. Admittedly, some of them are flaky – then again, so are a lot of free people. Upon closer inspection, there’s only one glaring issue with them.
They suck at picking crops! In my experience, even free men with strong bodies tend to be weak on the field. On the field, I say! Work anyone should be able to do. And most of them have no knowledge of more advanced crop-picking techniques.
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#1012 · Dennis Hackethal · 3 months ago