26 unchanged lines collapsedSecond, picking crops is highly cumulative. You need to master the basics before you move on to more advanced crop-picking techniques. You need to choose the right crop, prepare the soil for it, plant the seeds, monitor the growth, use proper irrigation and fertilizer, and so on. And you need to build the requisite strength in your youth. If you are free first and *then* decide you want to pickcrops,crops when you are older and weaker, good luck.37 unchanged lines collapsed
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Second, picking crops is highly cumulative. You need to master the basics before you move on to more advanced crop-picking techniques. You need to choose the right crop, prepare the soil for it, plant the seeds, monitor the growth, use proper irrigation and fertilizer, and so on. And you need to build the requisite strength in your youth. If you are free first and then decide you want to pick crops when you are older and weaker, good luck.
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#1014 · Dennis Hackethal · 3 months ago