12 unchanged lines collapsedAlmost every slaveholder is horrified by the idea of freedom. Dr. Samuel A. Cartwright [says](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drapetomania) that slaves only flee captivity because they are mentally ill. Even most slaves reject the idea of freedom. Advocates insist, however, thatfreedom works. Psychologistsit works, and psychologists eloquently defendthe merits of freedom.its merits. According to advocates of freedom,slaves area slave is naturally curious.Given freedom, theyOnce freed, a former slave won’t just learn basicskills; they’llskills, they argue – he’ll ultimately find a calling.60 unchanged lines collapsed
12 unchanged lines collapsed
Almost every slaveholder is horrified by the idea of freedom. Dr. Samuel A. Cartwright says that slaves only flee captivity because they are mentally ill. Even most slaves reject the idea of freedom. Advocates insist, however, that it works, and psychologists eloquently defend its merits. According to advocates of freedom, a slave is naturally curious. Once freed, a former slave won’t just learn basic skills, they argue – he’ll ultimately find a calling.
60 unchanged lines collapsed
#1027 · Dennis Hackethal · 3 months ago