Comparing #1038 (version 48) and #1039 (version 49)

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This post is a satirical rebuttal of Bryan Caplan’s article [‘Unschooling + Math’]( I want to showcase how his article reads to someone who believes uncompromisingly that children should be free. Read his first, then mine. Imagine that the following was written by someone from the early 1860s who chimes in on the debate around abolition and almost, but not quite, advocates freedom for slaves, chiming in on the debate around abolition.↵ ↵ ---↵ ↵ Oneslaves.↵ ↵ ---↵ ↵ One popular alternative to slavery is called ‘freedom’. As with all practices, this one varies. But essentially, freedom means the slave does what he wants. He works on whatever he wants, for as long as he wants. If he asks you to teach him something, you teach him. Yet if he decides to go on long walks all day, the principled response based on freedom is: ‘Let him.’
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This post is a satirical rebuttal of Bryan Caplan’s article ‘Unschooling + Math’. I want to showcase how his article reads to someone who believes uncompromisingly that children should be free. Read his first, then mine. Imagine that the following was written by someone from the early 1860s who chimes in on the debate around abolition and almost, but not quite, advocates freedom for slaves.

One popular alternative to slavery is called ‘freedom’. As with all practices, this one varies. But essentially, freedom means the slave does what he wants. He works on whatever he wants, for as long as he wants. If he asks you to teach him something, you teach him. Yet if he decides to go on long walks all day, the principled response based on freedom is: ‘Let him.’

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#1039 · Dennis Hackethal · 3 months ago