
  Dennis Hackethal addressed criticism #114.

It’s arguably a sexually active woman’s responsibility to monitor whether she’s pregnant.

If it weren’t her responsibility, then a burden would fall on the baby, which can’t be right because the baby only exists because of the mother’s choices.

Home pregnancy tests are affordable and reliable. According to, “[h]ome pregnancy tests can detect pregnancy just two weeks after ovulation”. So there’s plenty of time.

#114 · Dennis Hackethal, 4 months ago

A non-aborted child’s quality of life matters, too. One benefit of allowing abortion at any time is that, if a mother decides not to abort despite having had ample opportunity to do so, she is definitely responsible for the child’s wellbeing. Then she can’t blame lawmakers or having had too little time; she can’t evade accountability for the living child as easily.


4 months ago · ‘Abortion’