
  Dennis Hackethal revised idea #439.

Elaborate on each commit

The following commits should address this:

- `3af3966` Clarify in title that someone revised an idea (rathen than originated idea)↵
    The HTML title now says ‘Idea x *revised* by…’↵
- `6c70cea` Underneath idea, indicate that someone revised an idea (rather than submitted it)↵
    It says ‘Dennis Hackethal, 1 day ago’ for new ideas, ‘Dennis Hackethal revised 1 day ago’ for revisions↵
- `d20d386` Explain that users can revise each others’ ideas↵
    As part of the alert on the revision page, when the user is about to revise someone else’s idea.↵
- `c5748e3` Turn ‘revise’ link into ‘revise their idea’ when it’s someone else’s idea↵
    Underneath each idea.↵
- `e0fbd41` List user under each revision in version historyhistory↵
    So that each version is clearly attributed to the corresponding user.
2 months ago · ‘Veritula – Meta’