Comparing #924 (version 3) and #926 (version 4)

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In other words, Rand recognizes that across nations –meaning *across* jurisdictions, ie having no shared jurisdiction or government – there are still objective standards to determine who is in the right and who is in the wrong. If Rand cando identify such standards without sharing a shared government,government with those countries, why could not others do this, too?too?↵ ↵ The working principle here is *supremacy of reason*, not the supremacy of government. See also #920, where I explain that certain rules of engagement exist *a priori* and need not be devised by humans before engaging.
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In other words, Rand recognizes that across nations – ie having no shared jurisdiction or government – there are still objective standards to determine who is in the right and who is in the wrong. If Rand can identify such standards without sharing a government with those countries, why could not others do this, too?

The working principle here is supremacy of reason, not the supremacy of government. See also #920, where I explain that certain rules of engagement exist a priori and need not be devised by humans before engaging.

#926 · Dennis Hackethal · 3 months ago · Criticism