Activity feed

  Roswitha Kant revised idea #432.
> Der Mensch ist das einzige Geschöpf, das erzogen werden muß.↵
Kant sagt also, dass der Mensch im Unterschied zum Tier erzogen werden muss.
2 months ago · ‘Kants Pädagogik’
  Roswitha Kant revised idea #431.
Kant sagt, dass der Mensch im Unterschied zum Tier erzogen werden muss:↵
>> Der Mensch ist das einzige Geschöpf, das erzogen werden muß.muß.↵
Kant sagt also, dass der Mensch im Unterschied zum Tier erzogen werden muss.
2 months ago · ‘Kants Pädagogik’
  Roswitha Kant revised idea #430.


Kant sagt, dass der Mensch im Unterschied zum Tier erzogen werden muss.muss:↵
> Der Mensch ist das einzige Geschöpf, das erzogen werden muß.
2 months ago · ‘Kants Pädagogik’
  Roswitha Kant started a discussion titled Kants Pädagogik.

Wir wollen Kants Text ‘Über Pädagogik’ verstehen und diskutieren:

The discussion starts with idea #430.

Kant sagt, dass der Mensch im Unterschied zum Tier erzogen werden muss.

2 months ago
  Dirk Meulenbelt revised idea #401.
As I write in the first link, the videos “mostly show bugs and nonsensical behavior, things that wouldn’t happen if animals *were* sentient.”animals *were* sentient.”↵
P.S. Dirk was here
2 months ago · ‘Animal Consciousness’
  Dirk Meulenbelt commented on criticism #411.

I also don't mind the bulk criticism.

Even if the person submitting a post doesn’t mind bulk criticism, others still have a harder time discerning which ideas in the post are true/salvageable and which should be discarded. Meaning error correction is harder.

It helps when critics quote the part they’re criticizing, like I’m doing above, but the responsibility still lies with the original poster.

#411 · Dennis Hackethal, 2 months ago

Criticism accepted

2 months ago · ‘Animal Consciousness’
  Dennis Hackethal revised idea #423.

Link to revision activity with collapsed lines

Done as of `cc8e3e9`. It now says ‘x unchanged lines collapsed’. See eg [this activity](/activities/415).
2 months ago · ‘Veritula – Meta’
  Dennis Hackethal addressed criticism #424.

Would be neat linking to a specific activity.

#424 · Dennis Hackethal, 2 months ago

Done as of a02e6c4, see eg this activity.

2 months ago · ‘Veritula – Meta’
  Dennis Hackethal submitted criticism #424.

Would be neat linking to a specific activity.

2 months ago · ‘Veritula – Meta’
  Dennis Hackethal addressed criticism #422.

Diffs should omit unchanged lines. Maybe just leave up to three lines around changed content for context – that’s how git does it.

#422 · Dennis Hackethal, 2 months ago

Done as of cc8e3e9. It now says ‘x unchanged lines collapsed’.

2 months ago · ‘Veritula – Meta’
  Dennis Hackethal submitted criticism #422.

Diffs should omit unchanged lines. Maybe just leave up to three lines around changed content for context – that’s how git does it.

2 months ago · ‘Veritula – Meta’
  Dennis Hackethal revised idea #419.
Now that there are user profiles (#408), each profile can have a tab for unproblematic ideas. Among all the ideas a user has submitted, *those are the ones he can rationally hold.* And another tab for problematic ideas, ie *ideas he has submitted that he cannot rationally hold*.
2 months ago · ‘Veritula – Meta’
  Dennis Hackethal submitted criticism #419.

Now that there are user profiles (#408), each profile can have a tab for unproblematic ideas. Among all the ideas a user has submitted, those are the ones he can rationally hold. And another tab for problematic ideas, ie ideas he cannot rationally hold.

2 months ago · ‘Veritula – Meta’
  Dennis Hackethal revised idea #362.

Clarify remark about decision-making – decision-trees are different

 48 unchanged lines collapsed
Because decision-making is a special case of, or follows the same logic as, truth-seeking, such trees canalso be used as decision trees.↵ ↵ Allfor decision-making, too. When you’re planning your next move, Veritula helps you criticize your ideas and make a decision. Again, it’s rational to go with the idea that has no outstanding criticisms.↵ ↵ All ideas, including criticisms, should be formulated as concisely as possible.
 20 unchanged lines collapsed
2 months ago · ‘How Does Veritula Work?’
  Dennis Hackethal submitted criticism #417.

There’s a bug where hovering over a link in the markdown preview removes the form and all typed text. Hovering over a link should have no effect on the form.

2 months ago · ‘Veritula – Meta’
  Dennis Hackethal addressed criticism #414.

Since the diff processes the text as a single line, the hunk header is always going to say either @@ -0,0 +1 @@ (for the first version) or @@ -1 +1 @@ (for every subsequent version). Meaning the header provides no real information. So I might as well remove it.

#414 · Dennis Hackethal, 2 months ago

Done as of 8d3eed0, see eg the version history of #414.

2 months ago · ‘Veritula – Meta’
  Dennis Hackethal revised idea #413.
Since the diff processes the text as a single line, the diff informationhunk header is always going to say either `@@ -0,0 +1 @@` (for the first version) or `@@ -1 +1 @@` (for every subsequent version). Meaning itthe header provides no real information. So I might as well remove that
2 months ago · ‘Veritula – Meta’
  Dennis Hackethal submitted criticism #413.

Since the diff processes the text as a single line, the diff information is always going to say either @@ -0,0 +1 @@ (for the first version) or @@ -1 +1 @@ (for every subsequent version). Meaning it provides no real information. So I might as well remove that part.

2 months ago · ‘Veritula – Meta’
  Dennis Hackethal revised idea #406.
 4 unchanged lines collapsed
It helps when critics quote whichthe part they’re criticizing, like I’m doing above, but the responsibility still lies with the original poster.
2 months ago · ‘Animal Consciousness’
  Dennis Hackethal addressed criticism #408.

There should be user profiles.

#408 · Dennis Hackethal, 2 months ago

Done as of b3c06c4, see eg my profile.

2 months ago · ‘Veritula – Meta’
  Dennis Hackethal submitted criticism #408.

There should be user profiles.

2 months ago · ‘Veritula – Meta’
  Dennis Hackethal revised idea #405.
> I also don't mind the bulk criticism.

Even if the person submitting an ideaa post doesn’t mind bulk criticism, *others* still have a harder time discerning which parts ofideas in the ideapost are true/salvageable and which should be discarded. Meaning error correction is harder.

It helps when critics quote which part they’re criticizing, like I’m doing above, but the responsibility still lies with the original poster.
2 months ago · ‘Animal Consciousness’
  Dennis Hackethal criticized idea #398.

I have to admit I was unsure how many claims I actually made, and excused myself from the burden of having to figure it out with the following excuse: I expect that many potential users of your platform would make this error and therefore we should try to run with it. I also don't mind the bulk criticism.

#398 · Dirk Meulenbelt, 2 months ago

I also don't mind the bulk criticism.

Even if the person submitting an idea doesn’t mind bulk criticism, others still have a harder time discerning which parts of the idea are true/salvageable and which should be discarded. Meaning error correction is harder.

It helps when critics quote which part they’re criticizing, like I’m doing above, but the responsibility still lies with the original poster.

2 months ago · ‘Animal Consciousness’
  Dennis Hackethal commented on idea #398.

I have to admit I was unsure how many claims I actually made, and excused myself from the burden of having to figure it out with the following excuse: I expect that many potential users of your platform would make this error and therefore we should try to run with it. I also don't mind the bulk criticism.

#398 · Dirk Meulenbelt, 2 months ago

I agree many people would make the same error and that it’s a good idea to see how things play out when it does happen. There’s going to be a learning curve for new users. I will probably just point it out every time. I may even implement a feature where ‘AI’ analyzes text and helpfully points out to users that they’re about to submit multiple claims at once.

2 months ago · ‘Animal Consciousness’
  Dennis Hackethal addressed criticism #397.

I think it's different from Pascal's wager, as with Pascal's wager you have infinite, or many (all known religions) wagers. (Which god?) Whereas with animal consciousness we have only one wager, that we're currently not sure of, on which we're wagering a lot of potential animal suffering. Furthermore, we are not on our deathbed, and hence have the luxury of time to consider our trade.

#397 · Dirk Meulenbelt, 2 months ago

[W]e are not on our deathbed, and hence have the luxury of time to consider our trade.

But meat eaters contribute to the death of animals every day, so if animals were sentient there would be more urgency to apply the wager, not less. (I’ll preemptively add that, although meat eaters die every day, too, each one of them is complicit in what would be the murder of several innocent animals, so there’d still be more urgency.)

2 months ago · ‘Animal Consciousness’